First post!

Published: Apr 8, 2023 by Matan Sheskin

Hello, World!

Web development is quite foreign and scary for me: There’s a never ending stream of technologies that interact constantly and almost chaotically to create a website that is stable - But how? And for how long? And what do I do to keep it stable? This website alone uses:

  • Jekyll.
  • Ruby.
  • JavaScript, HTML, CSS.

None of which are native to me. But I thought I should leave me comfort zone and find out how these interact to give me, someone with relatively little web development knowledge, the capability to plant a flag on a small piece for myself in the vast internet continent.

I hope to use this place to share my work in the following topics:

  1. Programming projects.
  2. Language learning, with emphasis on documentation.
  3. Competitive programming, with emphasis on repeating problem concepts.
  4. Computer Science Theory, with emphasis on Algorithms, Data Structures and implementations.
  5. Reading.

Some of this work is already available in the notebooks page.

In addition, I’ll also try to use this blog to manage my insights from developing and using this website. I’m excited.


This website was built using the Bulma Clean Theme for Jekyll, which is a theme built by C.S. Rhymes. I should also thank Google and ChatGPT for helping me tremendously.


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First post!
First post!

Hello, World!

Web development is quite foreign and scary for me: There’s a never ending stream of technologies that interact constantly and almost chaotically to create a website that is stable - But how? And for how long? And what do I do to keep it stable? This website alone uses:

  • Jekyll.
  • Ruby.
  • JavaScript, HTML, CSS.