Matan Sheskin
About me
My name is Matan Sheskin. I am a programmer. I finished my computer science B.Sc. in March 2022. I also finished a Psychology B.A. in 2020, and I should finish my mathematics degree in 2024. I am interested in problem solving. More specifically, I am interested in problem patterns that make up problems in programming, computer science, and math. I build this website to share my thoughts, ideas, and code.
Find me on GitHub. Here are a few of my interesting public projects:
- Image Caption Generator: A pre-trained CNN encoder passes image features to a combined RNN LSTM encoder that generates textual captions to input images. Written in Python using Pytorch.
- 4-in-A-Row game: Windows Forms application, with modifiable board dimensions, and two game modes: Player vs. Player and Player vs. Computer. Written in C# and .NET.
- Java DNS Sinkhole Server: Non-block-list DNS records are sent as queries to other DNS servers. A packet handler extracts query responses from reply packets. Written in Java.
- Backend e-commerce store: Node.js store application. Express.js exposes a RESTful API, and MongoDB and Mongoose store and manage data. Written in TypeScript.
- Objective-C: Server-Client mach-messaging IPC on Mac: A client locates the server and can send/receive data. The server saves up to 1024 bytes and can send it back to authorized clients. Written in objective-C.
Personal email: matans844 [AT] gmail [DOT] com